CEO Larry Page is rearranging the furniture at Google. Over two weeks in January, he announced his company's $3.2 billion, all-cash acquisition of smart-thermostat-maker Nest as well as the $2.9 billion sale of its Motorola phone business to Lenovo. Shareholders seem happy. The search giant's stock continues to trade at record highs, up about 50% year-over-year as of mid-Feb. 2014. That's caused the net worth of co-founders Page and Sergey Brin to surge past $30 billion for the first time. In April, Google will undergo a stock split to introduce new Class C shares that will carry no voting power. That move will consolidate the voting power of executives including Page, who owns nearly 24 million Class B shares, which carry 10-to-one voting power. He's still suffering from a vocal-cord nerve issue that makes his voice raspy, though Googlers created a personal synthetic voice service that makes communication a bit easier. A clean energy advocate, Page's network of houses in Palo Alto use fuel cells, geothermal energy and rainwater capture.
CEO, Google
Source Of Wealth
Google, Self Made
Palo Alto, CA
United States
Marital Status
Master of Science, Stanford University; Bachelor of Arts / Science, University of Michigan
Larry Page on Forbes Lists
#17 Billionaires
#12 in United States
#20 in 2013
#17 Powerful People
#13 Forbes 400
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